Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cath Campbell: 'Build It and They Will Come' The Travelling Gallery

Build It and They Will Come
The Travelling Gallery

Cath Campbell
Donna Conlon
Will Duke
Matthew Houlding
Toby Paterson
Susie Wright

Touring 12th April to 29th June 2007

The brand new Travelling Gallery vehicle begins its first tour this April with an exhibition featuring artists whose work is inspired by architecture and the built environment. The exhibiting artists are Cath Campbell, Donna Conlon, Will Duke, Matthew Houlding, Toby Paterson and Susie Wright. Matthew Houlding will show new work commissioned specially for the new Travelling Gallery and as a response to the new design.

The concept of the exhibition was inspired by the process of commissioning and building the new Travelling Gallery. This involved working with architects Sutherland Hussey for the interior and artist Mandy McIntosh, who created the exterior design.

The exhibition will be complemented by a series of artist-led workshops and events, focussing on design and architecture and will include a full colour Education Pack for venues/groups.

To find out if the gallery will be visiting a venue near you, have a look at the current tour dates and locations page.