curated by Gabriella Arrigoni
Darren Banks
Davide Bertocchi
Cesare Bignotti
Sarah Ciraci
Andrea Dojmi
Jacopo Miliani
Marie Velardi
Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale
p.zza Matteotti 9, Genova
23 April - 15 May, Tuesday to Sunday 15.00-20.00
Opening Friday 22 April h 18.00
Free admission
Defective Science is a group show featuring video works and installations focusing on the relationship between science and pseudo-science. Seven artists have been invited to elaborate the fake documentation of a number of different phenomena, somehow based on scientific postulates. At the same time, their real possibility of existence is into question and eludes any appropriate scientific methodology. Among the topics present in the works on show: extraterrestrial life, teletransportation, the 2012 catastrophic prophecy, life hidden in inanimate objects and theories about the nature itself of our own Universe. The project aims to investigate how contemporary society relates to scientific knowledge, a complex relationship hang in the balance between absolute trust toward the progress and a mystic attraction for the mysterious and the unexplainable, with the result of an unexpected association of science with the magic and the irrational.
Darren Banks
Phantom Sock, 2006
Umbro Sock, Orbit Building System, Wool
50 x 30 x 19 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Workplace Gallery