Being Lost
Adele Vallance / Brendan Lyons /
Catherine Bertola / Kevin Hunt / Susan Collis
Rogue Project Space, Manchester
28th May ‐ 4th June 2011
Private view Friday 27th May 6‐8pm
Open 12‐4pm Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th May and by appointment until 4th June.
Curated by Andrew Bracey & Adele Vallance
"If the archive can serve no more than a tomb of remnants and traces, where is the place for that which does not survive or which, by virtue of the archive is forgotten" Charles Merewether.
Being Lost brings together 5 artists whose work explores different notions of being lost; working with discarded/found objects and injecting life into them or working with the everyday, which we take for granted (and therefore can be argued that it is lost to us).
The work in the exhibition presents a place that has been lost or forgotten; to give it a home or a function once more. To house that which the traditional archive would reject due to it's requirement to be selective in order to keep more. The viewer can question their perception of traditional archives through the artist's use of display and interpretation. There is re‐wiring and expansion of visual understanding of a particular or discarded object or mark.
Catherine Bertola
Anatomy # 6, 2006 (detail)
59.4 x 84 cms
Courtesy of the artist and Workplace Gallery