Image: Marcus Coates Human Report, 2008, Single Channel video, Duration 7:16 minutes. Courtesy of the artist and Workplace Gallery, UK
The Fruitmarket Gallery
Market Street
2nd November 2012 - 13th January 2013
Jyll Bradley, Paulo Catrica, Filipa César, Marcus Coates, Dorothy Cross (with actor Fiona Shaw), Alexis Deacon, Jeremy Deller, Tania Kovats, Kaffe Matthews, Semiconductor (Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt) and Alison Turnbull.
Curated by Bergit Arends and Greg Hilty
The Galápagos archipelago uniquely exemplifies the delicate tension between a pristine environment and human curiosity and intervention. Over 5 years, 12 artists visited these remote and beguiling islands returning home with film footage, drawings, photographs, sculptures, sounds and imaginings. The resulting exhibition offers a surprising and contemporary insight into the cultural reality, the human stories and the living laboratory of Galápagos.
The Gulbenkian Galápagos Artists Residency Programme and Galápagos exhibition were organised by the Galapagos Conservation Trust in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, with additional support from the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Natural History Museum, London.