Above: 'Supernova Moment' 2006, Peter J Evans, Beech Parquet.
(Photo: Wig Worland)
28 July - 12 August
Units Moved is a group exhibition curated by Rich Holland, Iain Borden and Wig Worland. Artists include:
Kathy Barber
Nic Clear
Peter J Evans
Richard Gilligan
Sam Griffin
Alex Hartley
Richard Holland (The Side Effects of Urethane)
Toby Paterson
Sem Rubio
Toby Shuall (The Side Effects of Urethane)
Wig Worland
Units Moved explores re-appropriations of urban space in the work of eleven different artists. Some pieces relate to specific places, such as Toby Paterson’s interpretations of modernist tower blocks and Sam Griffin’s reconstruction of Nazi plans for Jersey, while others explore how we design, draw, write and remember, including new video work by Alex Hartley, and a site-specific installation by Kathy Barber.
The art collective, The Side Effects of Urethane, will be exhibiting two ‘Moving Unit’ sculptures for skateboarders, one new and one used. There will also be new skatable sculptures being installed at the The South Bank Centre, in the Undercroft area. These are being made from solid stone and will be usable / viewable by all as part of this show.